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Some Alarming Facts about Ransomware You Should Know

Alarming Facts about Ransomware


Some Alarming Facts about Ransomware You Should Know

Ransomware is one of the deadliest problems that online users are facing. It allows the hacker to take control of the files of the victim, corrupting the data and then demanding ransom in exchange for the information.

Organizations have faced a loss of millions due to ransomware, recovering crucial information from hackers. That is why you need to know more about it so that you can understand how it operates and better prepare yourself for it.

On the contrary, you also need a reliable internet provider that will help protect you against cyberattacks. For that, we recommend Windstream Internet because it prioritizes customer safety alongside seamless internet services. Once you opt for its services, you can rest easy because it ensures superb performance as well as minimizes the chances of cyberattacks too.

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of hacking where the hacker infiltrates the device of the victim corrupting the files, encrypting them, and making it unable for the user to use any stored information. In doing so, the hacker then leaves a ransom note for the user usually in a notepad.

This note includes an email that is used for communicating with the hacker to get information on how to pay the ransom money. The amount is also mentioned in the note provided. The user will either need to pay the money or weep over the lost data, given the importance of the information.

That is why when we mentioned earlier how companies have lost millions, it showed why ransomware is such as big deal to protect oneself from. With that being said, let’s check out some of the intriguing facts about ransomware that will probably be giving you goosebumps:

Hackers Are Demanding More

If you think that paying your hacker will get you your data and the hacker will leave you alone, you’re way over your head. Statistics have shown that ransomware demands have been increasing over the years.

A Hacker is infiltrating the device of the victim and leaving a ransom note will potentially wait for the user to contact them for extorting the money. However, most hackers only encrypt or corrupt the information, take the money from the victim and then disappear.

In other cases, the hackers will release a certain amount of information and will take the rest with them. The hacker will also be assessing the information to know how it can be used for other purposes.

However, all of this is done to make sure to get leverage on the users. In other words, even if the user is offering money for their data, the hacker will simply take it and run away. That is why many companies are taking rigorous measures to protect themselves from ransomware attacks.

They’re Quite Effective

We must mention how companies are making a good deal of effort in terms of protecting themselves from ransomware attacks. The reason behind this is that ransomware attacks are found to be quite effective in hacking the victim’s device.

The reason is that these attacks are initiated via several minor entry points. A simply downloaded attachment, a broken link, a redirect page, etc. can initiate the process. In other words, unless you have a solid security suite, you won’t be able to know that such a file has been downloaded and your system will be hacked.

In addition to this, a trend that has been observed ransomware attacks are becoming targeted and reducing with the passing year (since 2020). However, a 13% increase was seen in the attacks in the past 1 year, which is quite high with the overall increase in the past 5 years combined.

Emails/ Phishing as a Mode of Attack

In addition to the effectiveness of ransomware attacks, it has returned to the traditional phishing attacks. One of the many reasons that phishing was quite popular in the older days (it’s still now) is because it was an easy mode of acquiring victims’ credentials.

Using the same technique, numerous ransomware attacks were made with COVID-related emails in 2020. In addition to this, the method did see a dip in 2019 but soon it was retrieved as a compelling way of initiating the attack.

Again, with the effectiveness of the attacks, phishing did prove to be effective in terms of acquiring the victim’s credentials and then using them for various purposes.

Data Leak is the Biggest Threat

As highlighted earlier, ransomware hackers target the data present on the victims’ devices. However, in many cases, the hacker doesn’t restore or return the data to the victim, which ultimately results in data theft.

It’s one of the biggest threats faced by individuals and organizations, which is why protecting one from a ransomware attack is the dire need of the hour. What’s even worse is that this data isn’t just leaked to the public but the competitors of one brand.

Organizations pay top money for acquiring information about their competitors, which is why a ransomware attack will probably prove to be a devastating blow for any organization.

Closing Notes

Ransomware is just one of the online menaces that people face. It’s quite problematic and if you’re someone with crucial data to protect having a ransomware attack can prove fatal for your business and its proceedings. Considering the facts shared above, one must take vigilant measures to protect oneself from ransomware attacks at all costs. Choosing a reliable internet provider, security suite, and running vigilant protection scans will prove beneficial in this case.

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