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Can Bonded Teeth Be Whitened?

Can Bonded Teeth Be Whitened


Can Bonded Teeth Be Whitened?

The power of a smile is unexplainable! This is why many people are ordering cosmetically improved smiles. On the streets, at the malls and in movies, we see people flashing perfect smiles that it’s only natural we envy them. Why would people want a perfect smile in the first place? It’s due to dental errors. One solution to this problem is the use of teeth bonding. But the big question is: “Will it be possible to get bonded teeth whitened?”.

You will get answered in this post as you go on and read to the last.

The bonuses of teeth bonding

It’s unbelievable the outcome of dental bonding: the new smile is breathtaking! Cracked teeth and chipped teeth can be corrected with bonding. This cosmetic work can greatly restore mild dental errors you don’t like – teeth bonding can shape up your teeth and make them better looking.

The faults of teeth bonding

One of the most pronounced disadvantages of dental bonding is durability. Another one is they are prone to stains. Teeth bonding is not an everlasting treatment; many patients see an outcome for between 7 to 10 years.

As for stains, it comes down to the material used in bonding. The colour of your original teeth will fade much faster than a composite resin material. Granted, the bonding will get stained, but not as fast as your teeth. What do we get from this? Unpleasant-looking teeth with different colours.

It is this uneven appearance that most people seek to correct. For starters, at-home teeth whitening may be the initial solution. Here, whitening toothpaste can be used. But you will come to know that your tooth enamel and the bonding material are different. The drawback of teeth whitening at home is an uneven colouration of teeth. It could also expose the bonding material in use. Most people hate to even think of this outcome.

So, will it be a success to whiten bonded teeth?

To begin, a couple of materials are involved in teeth bonding – mostly composite resin. Bonding and filling cavities are alike. A lot of bonding materials look alike but aren’t the same in efficacy. Many of them remain unaffected by whitening. But many times, stains don’t go off from whitening. This brings us to the question of why bonding material doesn’t stain yet the teeth do?

Since the tooth enamel is porous, it allows stains to appear. This is why when coloured beverages and foods are consumed, or people smoke, their teeth get stained. A practical illustration is the case of chronic smokers or drinkers. Their smiles don’t look bright anymore, and even their natural teeth have a yellowish discolouration. The reason is the enamel is susceptible to colour impact. This isn’t so for bonding. What we see is stains atop the material. It takes time for the stain to develop.

The dentist will give your teeth and the bond the same colour. Where you don’t like your teeth colour during the bonding, it’ll be matched by the resin colour. Bonding cannot be bleached, so teeth whitening is easily transmitted. The result is natural teeth that get whitened while the bonding isn’t affected.

At what time can you whiten your bonded teeth?

Is it impossible to get a smile that is stain-free, effectively bleached and captivating? No, it isn’t. If you already have bonded teeth, the best method to adopt is to take them out and replace the bonding. When the bonding is taken off, perform the teeth whitening treatment. As for the bonding, it can be put back in a week or two – a recommendation from many dentists. A spot-on match can be achieved if bonding is replaced in no less time post teeth whitening. The teeth won’t look patchy, and your smile will look good.

Tips that will keep your teeth looking bright always

If you love white teeth free from stain, or you just had your teeth whitened, or you are thinking of whitening those pearls, then the following tips are for you:

  • Make good oral hygiene a habit. You need to brush and floss your teeth always. Stains can be reduced on your teeth with brushing two times a day. A professional dental cleaning two times a year is compulsory if you want your teeth to stay white.
  • Don’t eat foods that stain teeth. The foods you eat and even drinks can stain your teeth. Unfortunately, coffee lovers need to watch out as coffee is a potential teeth-staining substance. Others include tea, tobacco, red wine, white wine and tomato sauce. Acidic foods have a high potential to stain teeth. If you can’t avoid these foods and drinks, use a straw – it will keep your teeth from coming into contact.
  • Watch out for consumables with added colours. A lot of foods and drinks now have added colours. You can confirm this by looking at the list of ingredients on products. Colours added to foods, especially red, can discolour your teeth so much – it’s even difficult to remove.
  • No more cigarettes! This precaution is no longer news. Dropping this habit can impact your dental and general health in more ways than one. Your teeth will get stained with smoking. Chronic smokers do have yellowish teeth. Think of avoiding tobacco products before you whiten your teeth. This will help your teeth become white and even keep them that way for a long time.


The desire for brighter teeth is great; however, if your tooth enamel and bonding material like composite resin doesn’t have the same features, it’s impossible to whiten bonded teeth. If you like to whiten your teeth, remove the bonding, then whiten and have it replaced. This technique offers consistent results. Should you like to bond and need whitening services, have your teeth whitened and go for bonding after a week or two.

For your composite bonding treatment in London, Adult Braces London is your go-to. We provide great cosmetic treatment for all our clients to give them the best smile. Find out how we can help you by booking an appointment with us.

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