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The sex of the baby – do you want to know, or not?



The sex of the baby – do you want to know, or not?

“And what will it be?”, this question can hardly be avoided for a pregnant woman. It is simply a wonderful conversation start to immerse yourself in the world of the expectant mother. the impatience to experience gender develops with the weeks of pregnancy.

My boyfriend wants a boy and in my head cinema, I see toy cars, plastic guns and me playing robbers and gendarmes with him.

Or will it be a girl?

One that asks me very private things from woman to woman,two month old baby activities to whom I have to explain that not all men are like this, with whom I then watch Titanic and drown the worries of this world in ice cream. And that’s what it was all about, I had to prepare for that!

From about the 16th week of pregnancy, the sex of the child can be detected by ultrasound. The majority of parents want to know this too, but what do you want?

Advantages of sex determination before birth

For many, there is nothing more exciting than the second major ultrasound.

The doctor slowly moves the ultrasound sensor over the pregnant woman’s abdomen: “Here is the face, and there are the arms, and oh yes, here you can see that it “.

If the unborn child lies favorably, his genitals are clearly visible and the great puzzle comes to an end.

You can furnish the room, come up with names and tell the news to your curious friends and family. After all, everything should be perfect clean baby swing comes.

You can buy cute, gender-typical baby clothes, so it’s beneficial to know if it’s going to be a girl or a boy. Some women even feel a more intense bond with their unborn child when they can already address it by name.

The sex of the baby is an additional piece of information that concretizes the idea of him.

Reasons why you should wait until birth

There are still parents who would like to be surprised whether they are expecting a son or a daughter. After all, it used to be so common. The tension and curiosity last until the day of birth, and one thinks of the magic words: “Congratulations, it is “After all, a children’s room can also be kept in neutral colors at first.

Not always the prognosis of the doctor is correct, occasionally an incorrect gender is determined. For some women, it is difficult when they have been preparing for a daughter for months and suddenly have a son.

Although this is very rarely the case, as ultrasound examinations become more and more precise, parents who find it difficult to deal with it should rather wait until birth.

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