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Content Marketing and SEO – Why is It a Perfect Combination?



Content Marketing and SEO – Why is It a Perfect Combination?

There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the relationship between the two essential and distinct digital marketing components: SEO and content marketing. As a content marketing agency, on our client calls too, the first half an hour goes into clarifying why content and SEO are mutually dependent and important for getting the desired traffic. 

The reason why content marketing agencies in India always deliver their KPIs is that they know how to leverage content marketing and SEO effectively. You can do the same for your business once you get to know how these two fuel each other for successful marketing campaigns. 

What is Content Marketing?

Simply put, content marketing is a component of digital marketing that employs content strategy, value-driven content development, and promotion to encourage desired user action. Increasing brand recognition, fostering trust, and guiding the consumer through each stage of the buying process are some of the goals of content marketing. 

Content marketing is a broader concept made up of the following 3 processes:

  1. Content Strategy: 

This is the first stage of content marketing. Your strategy should address the questions like what your campaign’s goal is, who you are targeting, what kind of content you are producing, and which formats are best for you. Any top content marketing agency would tell you that without a solid strategy, launching a content marketing campaign is pretty much meaningless.

  1. Content Creation: 

Now you know who your target audience is and the formats you will use for your content. The subsequent step is actually hitting the keyboard and churning out high quality content that aligns with your strategy. Producing stunning content is essential to achieve a great ROI. Hence, it’s best to outsource your content creation to the best content marketing agencies in India. 

  1. Content Promotion: 

Content promotion is what brings eyeballs to your content. It’s a crucial step that distinguishes content marketing from content creation. With effective promotion on multiple channels where your target audience hangs out, you allow your content to reach the right people. This process involves using numerous owned media channels and building backlinks from authoritative websites for higher ranking. 

Understanding SEO in Marketing 

The method of luring more visitors to your website using various on page and off page processes is referred to as SEO. But let’s keep these heavy words aside and try to understand it with a quick example. 

The content marketing company you hired spent numerous hours conducting extensive research and producing a fantastic blog for your website. You pressed the publish button and waited for the traffic to flood in, but nothing happened for weeks. 

There could be two major reasons for it. Either your blog wasn’t promoted well, and as a result, it didn’t reach its relevant audience, or the blog was not properly “SEO Optimised.”

In other words, if you want your post to appear in the SERPs, you must first ensure that it is prepared in accordance with SEO best practises, and then publish and promote it rigorously. That’s the role of SEO in content marketing. 

SEO Elements That Complement Marketing

To understand how SEO helps in content marketing, we must first comprehend the types of SEO and its elements:

On Page SEO: 

On-Page SEO is the process of optimizing your content as well as the other facets of your website that are within your control. Make sure that you add the following elements to your web page: 

  1. Title tag: 

This will be the headline of your blog post and needs to be optimized with pertinent keywords. The best content marketing agencies in India recommend keeping the titles brief yet unique.

  1. Meta Description:

This is a concise summary of your content that appears in the search results beneath the title. Make sure to optimise it with the main keywords. 

  1. Headings and subheadings: 

For improved readability and SEO, divide your article into headings (h1, h2, h3) and subheadings. Remember, Google puts user experience above all else while determining the rankings. 

Other factors falling under on page SEO include website URL, internal links and images. 

Off-Page SEO: 

Off-page SEO emphasises on growing the site’s authority and popularity as well as boosting content through backlinks. Here are a few of the most widely used off-page SEO strategies.

  1. Guest Content Posting:

Guest blogging entails publishing information on popular and authoritative websites with a link back to your own web page. This aids in boosting your own website’s authority and exposure.

  1. Local Listings

Off-Page SEO relies heavily on local listings. You can boost your visibility and chances of ranking higher on SERPs by listing your business on popular local directories.

What is Keyword Research in SEO? 

Keyword research is an essential practice in search engine optimization. Determining which terms and phrases your target audience uses to find answers to their questions on search engines is a process known as keyword research. 

According to your content strategy, your content can include short-tail keywords, long-tail keywords, or a mix of both. The choice of keywords depends upon factors like your objectives, the stage of the funnel you intend to target, the keyword difficulty, and your website’s domain rating. 

Content Marketing and SEO – An Unbeatable Team

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Content Marketing are inextricably linked to each other. Both need to collaborate to rank a piece of content in the SERPs. While content strategy and content creation are two essential components of content marketing, effective content promotion is not possible without the right SEO tactics. 

Consider SEO to be the fuel that your content requires to rank for a specific keyword that your target audience searches for. Content marketing agencies use a perfect blend of content marketing and SEO to help their clients attract the ideal audience.

Final Verdict

Whether you’re a startup or a well-established organization, both require a content marketing SEO strategy to get better leads and higher ROI. If you want to drive more traffic to a website and convert more leads, it’s best to onboard some experts from top content marketing services in India. These professionals know all the ins and outs of building brand awareness and increasing sales using content. The content marketing agency pricing in India could start from as little as Rs 15000. 

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