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Generic and Over the Counter Genital Herpes Treatment


Generic and Over the Counter Genital Herpes Treatment

Generic and over the counter genital herpes treatment are available to treat genital herpes. They can be purchased at your local drugstore, online pharmacy, or even from telehealth providers. Topical creams and supplements are effective options that do not require a doctor’s prescription. If you are having recurrent outbreaks, antiviral medication may be your best option. Acyclovir is an antiviral that is prescribed to treat the symptoms of genital herpes.

The symptoms of genital herpes are often painful. Taking antiviral medications can relieve these symptoms and prevent future outbreaks. The medications can also help prevent complications caused by the disease. Valaciclovir, famciclovir, and aciclovir are all effective medications. They are effective for the treatment of initial outbreaks and can help reduce the duration of later outbreaks by two to four days.

Antiviral medicines are the most common form of treatment for genital herpes. These medicines, which are usually in tablet form, help suppress the symptoms of the virus and reduce the risk of repeat outbreaks. Some of these medicines have side effects, such as headaches or nausea, but these are typically mild and temporary.

In addition to the over-the-counter treatments, there are also medications that are available from your doctor. These include acyclovir, a prescription antiviral medication, and famciclovir, which comes in tablet form. During an outbreak, these drugs may be taken orally or applied to the affected area. They can reduce the pain and speed up the healing process. However, these drugs should not be used as the first course of treatment for herpes. Shop supplements for herpes now from Herpecillin.

A topical application of lidocaine (lignocaine) ointment can be applied directly to the sore to reduce pain and discomfort. A physician or pharmacist can prescribe you an ointment with lidocaine. The application of lidocaine will not help to cure the outbreak, but it will help you to minimize the chances of future outbreaks.

Taking suppressive therapy will help prevent outbreaks from occurring and decrease the risk of herpes spreading to your partner. Other preventive measures include a healthy diet, enough sleep, and avoiding stress. Although no one knows what triggers herpes outbreaks, prevention and treatment are essential to avoid outbreaks.

While there are no over-the-counter treatments for genital herpes, your doctor can provide you with information about herpes and recommend medications to help you deal with outbreaks. A doctor can also refer you to a sex health clinic or mental health service. There are also various support groups to help you cope with your disease. Get Genital Herpes cure now.

While there is no cure for herpes, there are many effective medications for treating the symptoms and preventing outbreaks from happening again. These medications will help you manage outbreaks, lessen pain and reduce the risk of spreading the virus to others. Antiviral medications are generally taken for seven to ten days and can help you live a herpes-free life. If you do not take antiviral medications regularly, you can take antiviral creams instead. These creams and tablets can prevent outbreaks while reducing the risk of spreading the virus.

Antiviral tablets can also be taken to treat herpes outbreaks. They work by reducing the amount of virus shed by the body. Although they do not guarantee that you will never get an outbreak again, they will significantly reduce their frequency and severity. In some cases, you may need to discontinue suppressive treatment after a few months and restart it again if you experience another outbreak.

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