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Guide for compiling a good chemistry report

Guide for compiling a good chemistry report


Guide for compiling a good chemistry report

Chemistry is one of the toughest disciplines to follow. Unlike biology that is mainly theory based and math that is mostly formula based, chemistry is a mixture of both. It involves formula, mathematical calculations, experimentations and explanations. 

 Chemistry reports demand to be well structure and logically organize. Because of it having so many technicalities, compiling a good chemistry report can be hard and frustrating, and so many students tend to seek Chemistry Homework Help to solve their assignment problem. Figuring out how to write a chemistry report on your own can be tough, that’s why here is a basic guide to help you compile a good chemistry report.


It is important to write an abstract in the starting of your report, as it’ll give the reader a brief idea of what to expect in your report. It must consist of the purpose of the study, important results and conclusion, all summarized in one single paragraph. Abstract are usually written in single spaced format, unless specifically stated otherwise. 

It is consider ideal to include 2-3 sentences from each section of the report in abstract.

Comprising a summary of the whole paper  or report in a paragraph.

Make sure that the purpose of the study is stated at the beginning of a few lines of the abstract. 


Introduction is the part of the lab report that describes your research topic, it’s background history, theories and previous research relating to it. It is written to provide the reader a background information that may help them to understand your research and its result. Introduction is usually 1-2 pages in total. 

 A short literature review of previous studies relating to the research topic is also usually include in the introduction to put emphasis on the importance of your research. Introduction should also describe your experimental approach in short. 

Experiment section

This section includes a detailed description of your experimental process. So that if a person intends to repeat your experiment they should be able to extract the same or similar result following your procedure. 

Experimental section should include the description of material used, what instruments were used. The process applied and how the data was compute and calculated. Try to be as specific as possible, for example, you can include the model no. of the instruments used.

Result section

Result section as the name indicates must inform what came out of the whole experiment. It must include all the tables and graphs that summarizes the data obtained from the experiment. Since, the experiment is see whether your hypothesis is correct or not. It is advised to arrange the tables that best supports your thesis. 

You should also keep in mind that the order in which the tables are arrange in the result section is the in which they are discussed in the discussion section as well.

The tables and graphs included in the result section should be explained in text on the opposite side of the page.The important information of the table or the graph must be included in the text.

Table and graph

The graphs and the tables are presented in the result section of the chemistry report. The tables are given a no. and title, that is written on the left side above the table.

While the graph is denoted as a figure with a no., written with a short description or caption at the bottom of the graph. 

It is important to organize your tables and graphs in such a way that it is easy for the reader to understand and reach the conclusion of the study. These tables and graphs to make a comparison between your data and the literature review or with the reference value if there is any. 


The discussion section should be started with the statement whether the results support your thesis or not. This section explains your results and any other observations you may have noted. It should describe how the results support your thesis.

You can also mention any past researches that supports your result and thesis. You should also include the limitations of the experiment and if there is any way to avoid them. Further future research similar to or stemming from your study can also be discussed in this section.


The conclusion section must give a brief summary of your whole report. It must include the important results and significant observations. This section can also be combine in the discussion as the last paragraph. Or can simply be kept as a completely separate section. 


In the reference section all the sources must be cit.

In chemistry reports, references are usually incorporated as superscript at the end of the sentence with a number. So make sure you cite the references in the correct way or as specified. 

So these are some basic guidelines to help you write good chemistry reports. And don’t forget to proofread and check for plagiarism before you submit your chemistry report. But if it still seems hard to complete your chemistry report on time there are many online Chemistry Assignment Help that you can seek. They can help you complete your chemistry assignment and also explain all the concepts included in the report in detail, so that you can get good grades and understand the concept as well. 

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