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Healing Your Inner Child


Healing Your Inner Child

Your inner child lives in you

It is possible that you think that you no longer have anything to do with that boy or girl that you once were, that their pranks and sensitivity no longer have anything to do with you, because it is not true. That restless child sometimes scared and fearful, other times defiant and restless still lives in you.

You still live its liveliness, spontaneity and purity, the innocence of the child that one day we were sometimes awakens the sad memories of childhood, because there are wounds that have not healed, turning us into sensitive and vulnerable adults, but above all fearful and insecure. .  

It does not matter if the wound comes from some physical or psychological abuse caused by a person outside your family nucleus, or that the home environment in which you lived your childhood has been dysfunctional, no matter what its origin, it is something that must be healed.

The fears, anguish and abuse that we suffer as children, accompany us until old age if they are not healed, causing us many problems that prevent us from building satisfactory and stable relationships, inability to make decisions and move forward through life free of burdens and past suffering. .

Pain that does not heal, lives with us

The pain caused by these childhood situations will live in us for the rest of our lives; and it may trigger unexpected reminders at any time that prevent you from taking advantage of great opportunities that come your way.

When we manage to connect with that boy or girl that lives within us, we can solve internal conflicts that torment us, heal wounds that hurt and overcome fears that paralyze us, discover the causes of our fears, phobias and toxic behavior patterns that we sometimes suffer without even realizing it.

When we begin to release that pain stored for years, a process begins in which we do not need to stir and not even relive painful memories, just accept that they are there and understand that we can release them, at that moment life acquires a different nuance, then it can grandiose transformation and magical healing occur.

Inside each one of us there is a little child suffering that we need to fill him with love and understanding, protect him so that fear and suffering can disappear. Usually when we feel pain from the depths of our being, it is that frightened inner child that is calling us, imploring us to listen and help, to give him all the love and understanding that he did not receive at the time.

It is not about hiding their existence; it is about recognizing their presence in our lives and healing their legacy, to live a full, happy and peaceful life. Research has shown that the body stores both emotional and physical pain , which, when ignored and forgotten, are preserved, causing the pain to remain there forever and appear at the least indicated moments, clouding our mind, blocking our ability to discern and causing suffering.

Many times it is difficult to get rid of the baggage that we carry since we were children, especially when we have been exposed to deep traumas, so it is necessary to heal them so that they stop weighing us down. Acknowledging our inner child means treating it with love and respect, taking it seriously for true transformation and healing to occur.

Only by loving and healing our inner child can we begin to love ourselves, and subsequently, consequently, others. Healing the inner child is empowering us to start feeling good about ourselves, happy to be who we are and to focus fully and consciously on the present… letting go of the sad and painful moments of the past.

Healing our inner boy or girl provides us with an easy way to repair the past in order to free the present from heavy and unnecessary burdens. Reaching your inner child is nourishing the soul and rescuing our ability to freely and fearlessly express love.

Express love

An affected inner child is unable to express love, since he is very afraid of rejection or ridicule that possibly tore his heart in times past. Inside every sullen and withdrawn adult lurks a mocked and frightened child.

By giving that child what he needs: support, understanding, affection, acceptance, protection and explaining that he has nothing to fear and that it is time to dare to let go of fear, to value and respect him, as if by magic, the state mood changes.

Visualize the inner child in moments of loneliness and emotional pain, possibly you will see him in a corner, very sad and scared. If the adult you are today takes him by the hand, welcomes him in his arms, comforts him and fills him with caresses, little by little loneliness and fear dissolve and peace and love emerge.

In this way we can all fill our lack of love and also the lack of direction, support and understanding, repair the situations that our boy or girl could not handle in childhood because we were innocent and too young to understand the world around us. At that time we couldn’t, but now we can, we already have the necessary resources to meet all the needs of our inner child.

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Now changing the image of an abandoned and lonely child for that of a protected and loved child changes the emotion and heals the present moment.   What occupies the mind affects the body and the emotions, so that by introducing transformations in terms of mental images, those sensations of pain also disappear.

Healing the inner child we heal reactions learned in the past and we can change them for others more appropriate, serene and successful. Healing the inner child is changing and improving our emotional life.

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