I have already showed in earlier articles that the big daddy originator of it all, Edward Jenner, Vaccines was not the saviour of the world. His vaccine; a poisonous cocktail of cowpox and horse grease caused a dramatic rise in smallpox cases with many, many deaths over the years that followed.
You have to ask yourself, if Jenner’s principle, the original idea in which vaccination is based on is fundamentally flawed, what about other vaccinations..? We have at least seen from the measles, tuberculosis polio and whooping cough graphs that there was no benefit from the vaccinations during these times.
Vaccines are not safe
The body’s physiology is designed so that the blood kept clean by barriers such as the skin. A digestive system with an acid stomach that’s capable of killing off nasty micro organisms. Senses of taste and smell to reject contaminated food and a vomiting reflex reaction…
To inject highly questionable poisonous and potentially lethal substances straight into the bloodstream is unnatural. Hasn’t nature constantly shown us that life is designed so that it works naturally?
Why shouldn’t natural immunity be any different and allowed to take its course, with good nutrition… and what about the dangers of unnatural immunity?
Here’s a list of some of the contents in vaccines:
What about the safety?
Aluminium Has linked to Alzheimer’s disease
Antibiotics e.g. streptomycin and neomycin, to which have known to give allergic reactions
Bacteria Can incorporated into the recipient’s DNA. What about the possible health threats… ?
Bovine (calf’s) serum
Vaccines Borax Ant killer
Carbolic acid A toxic industrial chemical used as a disinfectant or dye
Disease causatives Cultured in putrid blood with monkey’s kidney, chicken and duck embryos; dog, horse, rabbit, mouse, cow and human tissues; such as those of aborted foetuses. Some human tissue cells have known to be cancerous
Formaldehyde Used in pathology as embalming fluid. It is a potentially cancerous chemical and has known to cause liver damage
Formalin (formaldehyde with methanol and water) used as a disinfectant and preservative for biological specimens
Glycerol Another chemical capable of producing toxic effects and subsequent damage to organs
Hydrolysed gelatine Extracted from animal bones
Nail polish remover solvent Acetone
Phenol See Carbolic acid
Phenoxyethanol Antifreeze
Pig’s pancreatic matter
Polymyxin B
Polysorbate 20 Commercially known as Tween® 20
Polysorbate 80 commercially also known as Tween® 80, a trademark of
Uniqema/ICI 14
Potassium diphosphate Vaccines
Sorbitol a white watersoluble crystalline alcohol having a sweet taste
Thimerosal Contains mercury and has linked to brain damage and autism
Washed haemoglobin (red blood cells) from sheep
Yeast Genetically modified
DNA Viral DNA can incorporate into the recipient’s DNA. What about the possible health threats?
As you can see, the list includes some of the nastiest materials known to humans. Do you think that it’s a really good idea to let these things inject into an infant? (or any adult for that matter)
What about the inherent dangers placed on a very young and developing nervous system as a consequence of vaccination?
There have been many cases where individuals have sued for damage through vaccinations. To avoid bad reputation, much of this has kept under wraps by the establishment...............................................................................................................................................................................................
I will leave there for now.
It is up to the reader to do his/her own research.
I do indeed hope this information helps.