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When a Visa is refused: How to Appeal the Decision


When a Visa is refused: How to Appeal the Decision

If you’ve been refused your visa application, don’t worry! It happens to the best of us, and there are steps you can take to improve your chances at appealing the decision. This article will cover your options after being refused a visa application, starting with whether or not it’s worth appealing the decision in the first place and ending with other helpful tips to ensure you have the best possible outcome.

Reasons for the refusal

It’s important to remember that every applicant for permanent residence in Canada will be refused at some point. At Vaseba Immigration, we know that there are two types of refusals – primary and secondary. Primary refusals happen when an officer doesn’t feel as though an applicant meets the necessary requirements. When this happens, an officer will send out a letter detailing why their visa was refused and what they need to do in order to get their application approved. Secondary refusals happen when an application was filed too late or if there were too many factors present which made it difficult for officers to decide on whether or not they should grant permanent residency status.

Evidence of your relationship

We’re Vaseba Immigration, one of Canada’s leading immigration lawyers. We help clients every day with their Canada visa refusals and appeals. One of the most common scenarios that we see is when a visa application has been refused and our client wants to know how they can appeal the decision.

The first step in doing so, it to identify which ground(s) were used by CIC in refusing your visa application. For example, if CIC has refused your visitor visa due to misrepresentation or if they have refused your student visa because you don’t meet academic requirements, then you would need to go through the appropriate process for appealing these grounds respectively.

Evidence of your intention to return

Canada imposes certain conditions on those who wish to enter Canada, such as having sufficient funds and no criminal record. The rules are designed to keep Canada safe and secure. You must demonstrate that you have enough money for your stay in Canada; have intention of returning home at the end of your visit; not be inadmissible on grounds of security, human or international rights violations, serious criminality or organized crime.

Many people apply for visas without fully understanding these requirements and find that their visa application has been refused. Vaseba Immigration can help you gather the necessary documents and evidence needed for a successful appeal.

Evidence of ties in your home country

Canada has been refusing visas for people who have shown ties in their home country. This means that if you have strong family or other relationships in your home country, this can be grounds for denial. If you are denied a visa on these grounds, there is no appeal process and you will need to reapply with a different reason.

If you are refused a visa on these grounds, it will not be easy to prove that your ties in Canada outweigh those of your home country. There are cases where this has happened, but they are few and far between. The best course of action when this happens is to reapply with new information about why Canada should let you stay.

Evidence of funding

The initial visa refusal notice will be sent to you with instructions on how to appeal. You can find these instructions in the Appeal Process section of this document. Your appeal must meet each of the following requirements:

You have appropriate funds available for your trip; and you will not be working in Canada.

If you are unable to provide proof of funding, or if you are planning on working while in Canada, there is no chance of an approved visa application. However, if your appeal meets all requirements and is approved, your visa will then be granted within 2 business days.

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