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When to Visit a Dentist


When to Visit a Dentist

Visiting the dentist may not be your idea of a fun way to spend time, but it’s necessary nonetheless. If you haven’t been to the dentist in years, it’s been way too long between visits, so you should go soon. Yet, there are some signs you can use to tell when you might need an emergency trip too. Here are a few things to look out for and what they mean for your oral health.

Dentists Recommend Going at Least Twice a Year

First of all, you should visit the dentist at least once every six months if you don’t want to develop issues. When you go to the dentist, they clean your teeth, removing plaque and bacteria. They’ll look at your mouth and see if anything is worrying there, and they can tell you if there is.

All too often, people refuse to visit the dentist until they develop worrying issues. Then, what may have been a minor issue has become something much more serious. Going to the dentist often can help you prevent cavities, disease, and infection.

Do You Bleed After Brushing or Flossing?

Of course, even if you go to the dentist often enough, you can still develop some problems. One of the easiest things to look for is whether your gums bleed when flossing. If you notice blood on your toothbrush after brushing, you should schedule a visit.

Gums should not bleed, so it’s not normal if they are. Usually, this is a sign that you’re begging to develop gum disease, and if you leave it alone, it could worsen. You may have heard dentists speaking about periodontal disease, or you might’ve seen it on TV. This can lead to an infection of the bones that hold your teeth in place, loosening them up a ton.

Have Your Gums Started to Recede?

88% of people over the age of 65 experience some form of gum recession, but it’s abnormal if you are young. Still, you can pay attention to your gums and see if they’re receding pretty easily. Normally, any gum recession should be treated as if it were a sign of gum disease.

If you let your gums recede too much, it could expose the roots of your teeth, making them vulnerable to damage. Also, it may increase the risk of further infections, pain, and tooth loss.

Are Your Teeth Moving Out of Place?

Maybe, your teeth weren’t in alignment, and you’ve wanted to find an Invisalign dentist near me. Or, you could’ve noticed they were moving out of place recently and want to do something about it. Either way, you should go to the dentist if your teeth don’t look how you’d like.

If they are moving out of place, it should be a cause of concern since adult teeth should last a lifetime. Widening gaps and shifting teeth should make you run to the dentist to figure out what’s going on. Pay attention to how your teeth feel when you close your mouth since this can be easier to notice.

Do You Have a Toothache?

You probably don’t need anyone to tell you that a toothache means it’s time to visit the dentist. However, if you’ve had a toothache for a while, you definitely need to visit one soon. Pain and sensitivity can be related to a variety of causes, such as abscession and teeth grinding.

The only way to know what’s causing it is by visiting the dentist and asking them to check. If they notice one of your fillings has fallen out, that could be why you are experiencing so much pain. Yet, you could be developing a simple cavity, and they could treat that in a single afternoon. Once you’ve seen the dentist, they should be able to find the cause of your pain, and then they can take care of it for you.

How to Know Whether It’s Time to See a Dentist?

The dentist is there to help you, and you shouldn’t be afraid of them, even if going to their office feels scary. There’s nothing to worry about as long as you brush your teeth twice a day, floss, and use mouthwash.

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