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4 Fundamental Highlights In A Vehicle DVR Framework


4 Fundamental Highlights In A Vehicle DVR Framework

G-Sensor Film Lock

This is seemingly the main two-in-one component to search for in a vehicle DVR framework. Assuming you ought to wind up in a mishap or in a crisis, you might find yourself unfit to prevent your dashboard camera from recording. You might be harmed, the vehicle might be added up to, or you may Car DVR essentially neglect to do as such. Regardless, your camera might wind up overwriting film of the basic occasion.

An in-vehicle DVR framework with a development sensor, nonetheless, will actually want to naturally recognize on the off chance that you’ve gotten into something like a mishap. On the off chance that your vehicle unexpectedly decelerates, it will stop recording and “lock” the recording set up. This will permit you to recover the flawless film sometime in the future – it is safe to expect the capacity gadget.

High Memory Limit

Discussing capacity gadgets, it will be definitely worth your cash to put resources into a vehicle DVR framework that upholds high-limit SD cards. These cards are in the 32, 64, or even 128-gigabyte range on the off chance that you can track down the last option type. A few frameworks even help outside hard drives which can give space of up to 1 terabyte or more.

You will require this additional room to offer your vehicle DVR more elbowroom with regards to basic occasions. While basic occasions may just need a couple of moments, you might need to survey film over longer timeframes. This is especially valuable while managing tedious, long occasions like while haggling with the police or different drivers. This additional extra room turns out to be significantly more significant when you believe the following element to be examined: video goal.

High-Goal Film

The goal of the in-vehicle camera connected to the vehicle DVR  is to enable a driver of the vehicle to obtain a clear and undistorted image of the road ahead. The current trend of vehicle design is toward compact and light vehicles, and as a result, the need for low cost and high performance is also required. In addition, it is necessary for the vehicle DVR to be compact in order to be installed within the vehicle, and this has resulted in the use of compact CMOS image sensors.

In recent years, with the development of CMOS image sensor technology, CMOS image sensors having a pixel array size of about 1,000×800 pixels have been introduced to the market. A pixel array size of about 1,000×800 pixels has a pixel pitch of about 6 μm. Further, since the pixel pitch is small, the resolution of the CMOS image sensor can be increased to about 6 to 8 bits. However, since the area of one pixel is small, the dynamic range (DR) is low.

  will direct the nature of the video film available to you. You have low goal (360p) typical goal, (480p), high-goal (720p), superior quality (1080p), and super superior quality (4k). You will need to work with high-res 720p and HD 1080p.

The crisper, more clear film allows you to catch better subtleties that might be obscured out in lower goal recordings. For instance, plate numbers, traffic signals, blinkers, and hand signs could all vanish on the lower goal. Then again, this high-res film will gobble up a ton of extra room – which further underlines the requirement for high-limit memory capacities.


In conclusion, it’s important to know that the goal of the Vehicle DVR Framework is not to provide the exact same experience as an in-vehicle navigation system. If you want an in-vehicle navigation system, there are dozens of vendors that are ready to sell you one. This framework, however, is intended to provide an easy-to-use, cost-effective way for anyone who owns a vehicle to access navigation services for the car. We hope it will provide an additional level of convenience and functionality to those who are already familiar with navigating by map, and offer more flexibility and features to those who are not.

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