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11 Expert SEO Tips & Advice to Boost Your Traffic in 2022



11 Expert SEO Tips & Advice to Boost Your Traffic in 2022

How do you plan to improve your traffic this year? What strategies should you adopt?

In 2019, Google announced it would no longer rank websites based on their popularity or social media influence. Instead, it said it would now focus on providing relevant information to searchers. This means better rankings for high-quality sites with solid information and less reliance on clickbait headlines.

So how does SEO change?

The answer is simple: Everything changes.

If you want to stay successful, you need to adapt. Learn how to optimize your site for the new algorithm and build trust with visitors.

Here are some of our best SEO tips from experts including John Mueller, CEO at SEMrush; Brian Dean, founder of Backlinko; and Kacper Gołębiowski, digital marketing consultant. Let’s begin!

11 Best SEO Tips to Rank Website Higher in 2022

Keyword research

Start by identifying what content gets the most attention from your audience. Then write about that topic using unique and engaging language. In other words, make sure your content isn’t too long and boring!

Make sure you do keyword research before starting creating the content. It will help you the right content for your audience that they want from you. Write articles around popular topics. Once you’ve built up a following, you can share your expertise.

Clean page structure

Create a clear structure for your website pages. It’s important to have an easy-to-read navigation bar which leads users to different sections of your website.

Clean page structure won’t only help users but also search engines and they can crawl them frequently.

Respond to comments

Make sure you’re responding to comments and questions. In fact, studies show that people who leave comments on blogs enjoy more success than those who don’t. Also, if someone asks a question about your product or service, make sure you respond quickly.

Responding to comments would also engage people on your sites and indirectly it would send signals to Google that this page is worth checking out.

Use images strategically

Images can boost engagement and increase conversion rates. So be sure to include them wherever possible.

But optimizing them for the search engines would be the best idea. You should always add Alt tags to your images and compress them before uploading it would increase your website speed. You can find lifetime Appsumo deals on image optimizer tools.

Optimize your page for mobile devices

Since many searches happen on phones these days, it’s essential to ensure that all your web pages load fast, are accessible, and display properly on smartphones and tablets.

Additionally, Google gives preference to websites that loads on mobile devices fast.

Give your brand personality

When you create a personal connection with readers, they’ll actually feel like they know you and care about your business.

However, it doesn’t have a direct relation with your SEO but it also encourages search engines to trust the information you are providing.

Be consistent

Keep up your regular posting schedule. And when you post, pick one day of the week to publish. Mondays tend to work well.

Update old content with fresh stats and information – it will tell Google that you have the more updated information and they would index your site frequently. Publish content consistently. While there will come times to take a break, try to keep steady posting schedules.

Focus on user experience

It may sound obvious, but this tip is worth mentioning because not everyone thinks about UX as much as they should.

UX is not equally important as other ranking factors because it keeps users stay on your website much longer and indicates to Google that the site is worthy.

Always link out

Don’t forget to link back to your own website whenever possible. It shows search engines that you’re credible and trustworthy. Plus, it helps your SEO.

Link building is important to rank your website – in fact, it is like a vote the more people will link to your website the more weight your website will get.

Follow good SEO practices

Avoid spammy tactics such as keyword stuffing and cloaking. Also, always use proper grammar. It won’t help you but get your website to penalize.

More than that, spammy tactics don’t work anymore that’s why you shouldn’t waste your time in that.

Track your performance weekly

You can then see where your efforts are paying off. For example, you might notice that certain keywords start getting higher rankings month after month. Or perhaps the number of clicks increases over time.

You may use SEO tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs to track your keywords ranking and other metrics. Pay attention to competitors’ analytics. What keywords do they rank for? How often do they update their site? Look at their site map and compare it to yours.

Finally, remember that results take some time. But once you learn what works best for your business and build effective websites, you’ll start seeing growth.

SEO isn’t hard things are simple all you need to understand the basics and it will show you the results.

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