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Types of Commercial Street Lighting



Types of Commercial Street Lighting

When it comes to commercial street lights, there are a variety of types available, some boasting more power than others. They can vary in color, height, and power source, but all have their uses. No one type of commercial street light is ideal for every task, and you may be surprised by the many choices available. Read on to learn more about commercial street lighting. Listed below are some types of commercial street lights and how to choose the best one for your needs.


Costs of commercial street lighting include a variety of factors. The cost of a light pole is one of the largest components of the total project and may vary significantly depending on the type of installation needed. The price of the pole and bulbs is usually the highest cost component, and the installation process itself requires costly tools and equipment. Another factor that determines the overall cost of a light project is labor. Often, a team of tradespeople is needed to complete the project, which in turn raises the total cost.

The cost of LED lights is less than incandescent street lights, but this adds up. LEDs cost around $.03 per day, but over time, it can add up to a large monthly bill. To make this cost-effective, cities need to consider the purpose of the street lighting system. The primary objective of street lights is to provide safety to the public and to deter crime. Additionally, LED lights offer the lowest maintenance costs.


There are several different types of commercial street lighting fixtures. For example, canopy lights provide illumination over the canopies of commercial buildings. Wall packs, meanwhile, mount on the walls of commercial buildings, providing light to exterior details. Street lights are typically mounted on large poles and provide bright illumination for highways, interchanges, and parking lots. These types of lights have various purposes, depending on the end user’s aesthetic preferences and the FC requirements for the location.

Regardless of how many lights a commercial street is equipped with, there are a variety of different standards and guidelines that must be followed. Local access lane lighting requirements differ based on the nearby land use context. Light levels for crosswalks and sidewalks should meet the guidelines of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA).


In the world of commercial street lighting, there are several sizes and types. Some offer more power than others while others strive for optimal energy efficiency. In addition to size and type, commercial street lights may differ in power output and hue. Some may be LEDs or solar-based. Each one has a specific use, and no single one will work best for every situation. Below are some general guidelines on lighting size and color. Each one should be chosen based on the type of work it will be doing.

Color temperature

The color temperature of commercial street lighting refers to the overall tone and hue of light, measured in Kelvin (K). Different temperatures correspond to different colors. Light at a temperature of 2000K-3500K is orange/yellow, and white light at 5100K-20000K is neutral white or blueish white. The temperature of streetlights should be correlated with the color of the surrounding area and the overall climate.

In residential outdoor lighting, the primary kelvin range is between 2500k and 4000k. A higher Kelvin value is best for buildings with architectural elements that require a warmer light. A slightly cooler kelvin value is appropriate for plant material, which is typically bright and sunny. Higher kelvin light is also best for landscapes, since it resembles the color of the natural moonlight. However, this does not necessarily indicate that more expensive lighting is better.


There are a number of factors that should be considered when choosing a company for installation of commercial street lighting. The initial cost of the project can vary depending on the area. The height of the pole, for example, may be around nine feet or up to 14 feet. Often, a stand-in pole can be used to gauge the height. The height of the pole affects the amount of light provided to the area, so it is important to know the proper lighting levels for that area.

The latest technology used in commercial street-lighting solutions is based on energy efficiency. LED outdoor lighting has become one of the most efficient options for commercial installations. Furthermore, it is now possible to install energy-efficient street-lighting lamps without a large upfront cost. The wide selection of commercial street-lighting solutions available in the market makes it possible for any business to make a sound decision and get the best lighting for their properties.

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