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What is the leoteo store retailer rating?


What is the leoteo store retailer rating?

The leoteo facebook page has 377 likes, and the leoteo Twitter is followed by 1415 followers. The company website is but it does not have a domain extension. Moreover, their address is listed as Austin, TX but all social networks indicate that the company’s headquarters are located in New York City. 

Their customer service can be reached via email, phone, and online chat through their site as well as Facebook and Twitter pages. Within the United States, leoteo offers free shipping on all orders over $100.0, though their prices are subject to change at any time. The leoteo promo code can also change, so make sure to check them out before you buy something.

Why should one be suspicious? 

Other than the fact that its headquarters are located in New York City and not the home state of its owner, Alec Chang, the company has a poor retail rating. The Better Business Bureau has posted negative reports about leoteo. . This company seems to have no problem lying to its customers to make them believe they are buying a different product.

This company seems to have a problem with their customer service as well. I ordered things from leoteo store retailer rating using their online store and never received anything. After receiving an email saying, “your order has been processed and is in shipping”, I went to the website only to find the same message over and over again even though the item that was ordered was a custom one made for me:

Is leoteo legit?

I called the company to cancel my order because I wanted some kind of confirmation it would arrive and they said it was too late, and that I would have to wait and get it. The leoteo customer service was not helpful at all. After many attempts to try and contact them, I finally got someone who was able to cancel the order for me, however, after waiting one week there was still no sign of my order.

The leoteo store retailer rating offered me a $20 coupon for only $70 dollars. I hesitated, but after some time I went ahead with it. I was about to place my order and I found out that the coupon only applies to free shipping. This company has also been added to my fraud list!

How does this site work?

It is pretty simple. Just go to the website and create an account. You can use a credit card or PayPal to pay for your order. The website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, but beware! The leoteo Twitter post also states that shipping will take 24-48 hours, which is usually quite reasonable for online stores, but in leoteo store retailer rating case it’s a lie because I ordered something one month ago and still haven’t received anything.

 I talked with their customer service (why did I do that after all the bad reviews I have read of them?!) They said they would contact the warehouse and asked me to wait 3-5 days…still nothing. I finally canceled the order with them and they sent me a discount coupon that was worth $70, but I did not accept it because I did not receive what I ordered.

Who is leoteo store retailer ratings?

The leoteo Twitter page indicates that its owner is Alec Chang, who goes by Alec_Chang on the social network. But I could not find any information about this person on the internet so I called him directly to ask. He said he is the CEO of leoteo store retailer rating and the man behind this company is Norman Bazer, CEO of Pepper Street Group. This intrigues me as there are no other companies by that name in New York City or anywhere else for that matter. Neither of them had any information about the little company back then, and I was told that the site was not “truly” owned by Bazer and Chang.

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